Nothing yet on Archaeology but we now know the next WoW Expansion! Mists of Pandaria
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Blizzcon 2011 in 24hours

In-case folks do not read other new sites, Blizzcon 2011 is this Friday (21st) and Saturday (22nd)! Expect full Coverage over any new details about Archaeology! Speculations have been running wild lately with ideas like archaeology will be expanding to include Pandaren artifacts in patch 4.3 or finally giving players an option to turn in […]
4.3 PTR – Minimap Additions

A new Build (14890) is out on the PTR for Patch 4.3 tonight. This change below might have been added earlier on the PTR but reguardless, the minimap now has: ‘Track Digsites‘ Support
Patch 4.3 PTR Live

It’s Tuesday September 27th and we have a PTR Launched! Right now, it appears that the PTR has nothing new for Archaeology (yet), but we’ll keep digging until we find something! There are a list of new pets and mounts but none of them are Archaeology confirmed. -> List from Wowhead News <- Companions Mounts […]
Tiggindy – Q&A Session/Interview

View the full Interview on our Forums, here! Morpsend from, here at WoW Dig Site, had a Q&A session with another well-known forum poster Tiggindy. Just wanted to share this everyone, enjoy! Thank you to Tiggindy for participating with this. Some of the questions asked: Who is Tiggindy? A bit of background How did you […]
Coming Soon: Complete Guide to Archaeology

Coming Soon: The Complete Guide to Archaeology With Patch 4.3 bound to hit the PTR soon, many of us are expecting some love from developers for Archeology as this last giant ‘content patch’ for Cataclysm. We’ve already had (non-Archaeology) sneak-peaks at some new features in the patch, such as Void Storage. Hopefully will get some […]