Below is the long over-due interview with Scut , second to claim all 32 rares! Thanks to Morpsend for opting to conduct the interview & to Scut for taking the time to talk with us. Click here to Read this interview on our community forums Morpsend: Why did you get into archaeology? Scut: Originally, I […]
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Episode 2 of Podcast now live

It’s that time of the month, the second episode of the podcast is now live! What is in the second official WoW Dig Site Podcast? (Episode 2) Gold and Experience Gains from Surveying with Archaeology. Museum that didn’t ship with Cata but what Blizzard wants to do (Ask-the-Devs-7-Professions) Add more to the profession – daily […]
Others Reaching 32 Rares

With Patch 4.2 out, most people have put up the shovel to go raid in Firelands but there are still many players dedicated to their surveying! As of this post, there are now two others apart from Boshi who have come forward to claim the completion of all 32 Rares currently in-game. Boshi [Malorne US] […]
Forums Live & First Podcast is up

Greetings fellow Archaeologists! Today WoW Dig Site has a few new features to share. First Podcast First of all, we now have an official WoW Dig Site Podcast! (Episode 1) This first podcast features Boshi who has claimed World First on 32 Rares and Morpsend also from the community, along with myself Uriah (the Website […]
Hotfixes June 1st

Small nerf/Hotfix, you’ll no longer benefit from (guild perk) Bountiful Bags for your keystones. [bluepost]Archaeology / May 20-June 1 The Bountiful Bags guild perk should no longer sometimes incorrectly reward Archaeologists with multiple keystones from dig sites. (Source)[/bluepost]
Boshi World First (32/Max Rares)

WoWDigSite has often been asked if there are any players with all the rares in the game, well we now have a report of someone with all of them as of May 23rd. If you have also reached 32, then send us a message and congrats! Note: More people have come forward about reaching the […]