If you noticed, while enjoying Patch 4.1, that the new Artifacts were not giving skill-ups, well Blizz hot-fixed that issue in last night’s round of patching. Most people going for the rares probably did not notice this since you guys are most likely maxed already. [bluepost]Archaeology (Source) The new rare Archaeology items should now correctly […]
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Patch 4.1 Official Notes

Blizzard posted a recap of the Patch 4.1 which you should expect this week. (Full Notes) [bluepost]Archaeology (Source) Seven new rare items have been added. Players now have a much smaller chance of getting a dig site for a race for which they have completed all rare finds.[/bluepost] Below are six of those items mentioned […]
Artifact Checklist now available

Are you a checklist kind of player/person and want to extend the ability to your Archaeology profession? Well then here you go! Below are Excel and PDF formats available of a checklist with every Artifact and it’s details. Need a PDF Viewer or Excel program? We recommend (free): OpenOffice Calc / Adobe Reader X Thanks […]
Archaeology by Greyfoo [Video]

A few people submitted this video to the website’s feedback form. Figured it was worth spotlighting, it’s about everyone’s favorite NPC, Harrison Jones. WoW Insider also featured this video. When Cataclysm launched, I set myself a challenge to try and write a song about World of Warcraft’s new profession — Archaeology. It was during this […]
Patch 4.1 Preview

Below are the confirmed (PTR) items being added to Archaeology in Patch 4.1 Artifact Project Type Branch Fragments Extinct Turtle Shell Extinct Turtle Shell Shield Fossil 150 Pterrordax Hatchling Pterrordax Hatchling Companion Pet Fossil 120 Voodoo Figurine Voodoo Figurine Companion Pet Troll 100 Vrykul Drinking Horn Vrykyl Drinking Horn Vanity Vrykul 100 Ancient Amber Ancient […]
Ask the Devs Q&A March 15th

We have a small note from the Q&A posted yesterday about Archaeology. The questions ranged from PvP/PvE balance issues to death knight mastery runeforges to why moonkin don’t have Execute. The Dev team pointed out Vrykul & Fossils as two races that will get some updates soon(TM). There’s also plans to help you focus on […]