Edit: Unfortunately this theory has been disproved. It might have been accurate initially, we never know what the Devs do behind those doors. 🙂 An article was brought to my attention (via the Contact form, thanks Yaushee). It’s from an Orc named Odok who explains how you can increase your chance of initially finding the […]
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
ZG Boss Unlock (Edge of Madness) Patch 4.1

Not much news to report lately but we finally have something about patch 4.1.0 (currently on PTR). Archaeology and Edge of Madness in Patch 4.1 [bluepost]I don’t have any specifics to share at the moment, save for one I think is cool. Those with the appropriate Archaeology skill will be able to unlock one of […]
Temporary Archy Fix/Patch Available

It seems that the addon Archy still has no new release to fix patch 4.0.6 issues. So I investigated. There is no ‘proper release’ yet but there are beta updates/builds that will work until an actual release comes out! You can download or visit the page below. Here’s a note from the Author: “I took […]
Undocumented 4.0.6 Changes

Along with the official patch notes, there are some other (undocumented) changes with this patch! -> Updates 2/10 – Thanks to our wonderful commenters (and emails), here’s an update: Tol’vir Sites added in 4.0.6 (Uldum) River Delta Digsite Cursed Landing Digsite Keset Pass Digsite Akhenet Fields Digsite Obelisk of the Stars Digsite Sahket Wastes Digsite […]
Patch 4.0.6 Changes Overview

Patch 4.0.6 should be live when realms come up (or restart) this Tuesday! Update: Patch 4.0.6 Official Notes are live Source What do you need to know about this patch relating to Archaeology? You’re now only guaranteed a skillup until 50 (instead of 100) from gathering fragments when in the first stage of Archaeology. After […]
Small Hotfix – Wed 26th

Small hotfix today resolving some Artifacts and skillups. [bluepost]Archaeology projects Twisted Ammonite Shells, Druid and Priest Statue Sets, Fierce Wolf Figurines, and Spidery Sundails now guarantee skill-ups all the way to 525.[/bluepost] Source Link