Various Archaeology Achievements
Journeyman in Archaeology
Expert in Archaeology
Artisan in Archaeology
Master in Archaeology
Grand Master in Archaeology
Illustrious Grand Master in Archaeology
I Had It in My Hand
Find a Rare Artifact.
What was Briefly Yours is Now Mine
Find rare artifacts of the following races: Dwarf, Troll, Night Elf, Orc, Draenei
It Belongs in a Museum!
Find every rare artifact. Yes every one. Stop whining.
Seven Scepters
Recover the Seven Scepters: The Scepter of the Atal’ai, the Scepter of Nezar’Aret, etc.
The Lost Thanes
Discover the names of the Five Lost Dwarven Thanes: The Winged Helm of Than Arknel, etc.