There are repeatable quests inside most of the Cataclysm 5-man Dungeons which allow a buff to be applied to your party when you submit the proper keystone to the quest object.
These quest giving objects have the daily blue “!” above them and turning in the right keystone for the zone will give a buff (which is limited to that 5-man).
It’s currently believe that you need the appropriate Archaeology skill level required to loot the keystone, in order to turn in the quest (Example 450+ for Tol’vir Hieroglyphic.)
Edit: My tip went through at WoW Insider! They posted this Article w/ thanks to WoW Dig Site.
Blackrock Caverns: Dark Iron Contingency Plan
Zone Buff: Dark Iron Contingency Plan (Reduces elemental damage done to you by 5%.)
– Requires Dwarf Rune Stone turned in at Stone Tablet
Halls of Origination: Map of the Architects
Zone Buff: Map of the Architects (Increase movement speed)
– Requires: Tol’vir Hieroglyphic turned in at Large Stone Obelisk