About Us
We strive to bring you all things Archaeology when it comes to World of Warcraft! Our goal as a fan site is to become a resource that all artifact researcher will survey to utilize in different ways such as finding what they’re missing.
Uriah, Admin
Bio: I’m an avid Warcraft player since 2005 and a bit of an achievement junkie (completionist) so Archaeology is naturally something I was instantly drawn too. Aside from a Full-time Student, I am a guild master and raid leader so you’ll find me online very often. Many folks define this profession as the longest grind in the game! But these people have not obviously farmed ZG Mounts or other RNG based items before because getting the Rare Artifacts to show up can be just as tedious! Although I do not plan to go through Archaeology anytime soon on my many alts.
WoW (US) Alliance Garona – Uriahworld, Mazer, Rackham, Coldarra, etc.
Past Article Contributors:
Patrick: WoW (US) Horde Bronzebeard Realm – Walterodim.
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