Public Test Realm Patch 4.0.6 Notes (Updated Jan. 14, 8:40 PM PST)
Looks like new Archaeologists will start solving earlier, at skill 50 you’ll now need to solve to gain skills (used to be 100). Also common artifacts get a boost in sell values (to npcs).
The new changes below go along with the fragment limit and UI changes
and the Survey Cooldown and BoA changes.
[bluepost]Archaeology (Source)
- Archaeology finds now grant a guaranteed skill point up to 50 skill, and then no longer grant skill gains, as opposed to granting up to 100 skill very slowly.
- The sell value of all common artifacts has been doubled, while a small subset of common artifacts have had their sell value increased far beyond that.[/bluepost]
Excellent write-up. I certainly love this
website. Keep writing!