Undocumented 4.0.6 Changes

Along with the official patch notes, there are some other (undocumented) changes with this patch!

-> Updates 2/10 –  Thanks to our wonderful commenters (and emails), here’s an update:

Tol’vir Sites added in 4.0.6 (Uldum)

  • River Delta Digsite
  • Cursed Landing Digsite
  • Keset Pass Digsite
  • Akhenet Fields Digsite
  • Obelisk of the Stars Digsite
  • Sahket Wastes Digsite
  • Schnottz’s Landing

Nerubian Sites added in 4.0.6 (Northrend)

  • Pit of Fiends Digsite (Icecrown)
  • Sands of Nasam (Borean Tundra)

Nerubian Sites added in 4.0.6 (Eastern Plaguelands)

  • Terrorweb Tunnel Digsit
  • Plaguewood Digsite

Dig Addon Archy is on the fritz right now, it is broken currently, watchout for an update soon by the author.

Dig You can now solve projects while mounted (mixed player reports).

Dig Nerubian Fragments are being found in Plaguewood, EPL.   Map: 13, 21 (Thanks Shasta!)

Dig Additional Tol’vir digsite has been added at Akhenet Fields in Uldum.

~ Dig Sites will be updated online (website) soon! ~

Example of new Dig Sites

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17 Responses to “Undocumented 4.0.6 Changes”

  1. nonentity says:

    Actually there seem to be 2 more Uldum sites, possibly more. Just had one around 79/45, never had one there before.

  2. Waffle says:

    At least one other nerubian site in EPL at around 37,25.

  3. Svet says:

    looks like 5 new Tol’Vir sites were added.
    Also I saw a warning notice on crafter’s home that if you are selling completed artefacts to vendors – sell the items separately as stacked items are not getting full price. I don’t know if this is true – and sadly I didn’t notice when I sold my back collection.

  4. Alcador says:

    2 Things i noticed.

    On Kalimdor I’ve found that while the Elves site numbers remain the same i’ve found that fossils proc a lot more now.

    Second has anyone ever found 5 fragments i’ve only seen 3,4 and 6.

  5. Svet says:

    Anyone got some alternatives to Archy? I’m finding it really hard without 1t atm – I was so used to it telling what the sites were and how far. Also being able to see all the artefacts you’re working on and click to complete. I hope it gets fixed soon – but any suggestions for a current stop-gap would be appreciated.

  6. Ebon Talifarro

    Undocumented 4.0.6 Changes | WoW Dig Site

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